Tue. Sep 26th, 2023
5 Easy Steps

Are you interested in learning about how to create an education app?  There are numerous prospects to explore in the expanding online learning app market.

The smart education and learning market size is anticipated to reach USD 423.2 billion by 2025 at a 15.2% CAGR, according to Grand View Research. 

Let’s look at how you can create a cutting-edge educational app for students and break into this rich industry for educational apps. 

In this guide you will discover the development process in 5 steps and also you can create an education app with the help of the best Education app development company

5 Easy Steps to Creating an Educational App

The steps you should follow in order to create an education app that will match the market, differentiate itself from rivals, and generate income are listed below.

Step 1: Define the idea 

Start visualising the ideal educational application. explore what educational issues you had in university or high school, and then ask your friends or children what learning app they should explore for themselves. Read the student forums to get inspiration. Think about your findings and pick one to three concepts to test for market fit. 

Step 2: Conduct market research

Evaluate the concepts you came up with in the previous phase. Make sure your product will benefit and address difficulties for your potential customers. Identify your target market by examining market segments for learning apps.

Create your ideal user profile by describing the customer who will purchase your product according to the following criteria: 

  • age, sex, and location. 
  • Kids, marital status.
  • annual salary, job title. 
  • Educational difficulties and problems.
  • Buyer behaviour. 

Make your value proposition using the data you have obtained. For starts, use this template: 

Step 3: Create business model

Once your value proposition is in line, it’s time to choose your company’s distinctive infrastructure and cost structure. Establishing your competitive edge, planning your growth, and developing a sustainable firm all need developing a business model.

Choose how you will distribute your value proposition, consider your important partners and resources, and consider your expenses and revenue sources. To develop your business model, utilise this Google business model canvas template. 

Step 4: Find a development partner

You’re looking for  education app development solutions to make a learning app after you have a comprehensive business concept in hand. Seek out a team that has experience developing mobile learning applications. Read user reviews and try out these programs.

Obtain information regarding the developer, and request a consultation from the company that will handle your development so you can understand the steps and stages involved. How to determine whether a business is suitable is given below:

uses a cutting-edge and efficient development stack, has expertise learning app development, has been available for at least two years, and has verifiable reviews on Clutch. You may also find out if the organisation offers services like business analyst consulting or assistance beyond the deployment stage. 

An educational app’s technology stack.

Step 5: Launch the app and get user reviews

The launch of the application is one of the most thrilling stages of development since it allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your approach. Make careful to get both positive and negative feedback. Only true user contact and honest feedback on your app can help you improve. 

Update your application in response to user comments, then collect feedback again. You’ll have a clear idea of where to go next after a few repetition. Implement the most important features first, and then scale your app by incorporating popular features, focusing on new market groups, or using smart user feedback ideas.

Cost of Developing Educational App

Developers require about 3–4 months to produce a minimum viable product for an educational app. Hourly costs are what they typically charge their clients. The team’s location, level of seniority, and complexity of the application architecture are all factors that affect the cost of developing software. Here is a cost comparison of learning application development by location.

Development cost comparison by location

RegionHourly rateCost
The USA$100-180$160,000-290,000
Western Europe€80-150$160,000-290,000
Great Britain£100-180$225,000-400,000
Eastern Europe$30-70$50,000-113,000

Some educational app development companies use a milestone approach for the payment. The cost of each milestone must be paid for separately, rather than all at once.  To help you plan your budget, companies prepared an MVP development estimation and cost comparison.


Now it’s your turn to start developing your software. This detailed guide on educational app development will be beneficial to your educational endeavours.

With the help of  education app development services, IT organisations are enhancing and simplifying education. To make it simple for students to access and enable them to learn at their convenience, they are leveraging new technologies and platforms. A great educational app can help to empower the next generation. 


1. What exactly is an educational app?

An education app is a software program meant to help in learning and educational activities. It may have elements like interactive exercises, tests, video lectures, progress monitoring, and more, all of which are accessible on desktops or mobile devices.

2. What are the 5 simple steps to create an education app?

  • Create an App Concept: Describe the function, target market, and major features of the app. Select the material type you’ll provide, such as interactive quizzes, assignments, video lectures, etc.
  • Design and user experience: Make an interface that is simple to use and has clear navigation. Design the app’s interface, colour style, and interactive features to promote a fluid learning process.
  • Development: Select a cross-platform or native (iOS/Android) method for development. Bring your design and functionality to life by employing a developer or using app development tools. Make sure the app is responsive and works with a variety of devices.
  • Content Creation: Produce educational content of the highest calibre, including videos, quizzes, graphics, and text-based lectures. Create courses or modules from the content that are well-structured.
  • Testing and launch: Perform a thorough functional, usability, and performance test on the app. Before publishing the app to app stores, fix any bugs or problems. After the app has been tested, distribute it on the platforms you had in mind and advertise to your desired market.

3. How long does it take to develop an educational application?

The complexity of the program, the features you want to incorporate, and your development strategy can all affect the schedule. Simple apps might be created, tested, and released in a few months; more complex ones could take a year or longer.

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