Tue. Sep 26th, 2023

Do you want your website or web application to stand out? If yes, Streamline your web development process with our comprehensive Web Development Checklist. 

Ensure a seamless and efficient development journey from project initiation to final launch. And take your business to the next level. It should come as no surprise that most business owners need guidance on where to begin when it comes to the web development process. 

Hence businessmen and web developers need to check each aspect carefully before starting work on any project. Because of this, we’re here to walk you through the checklist and process of creating a website.

This article breaks down the web development checklist and presents technologies to speed up the process.

What is Web development?

Web development refers to the process, changes, and actions to create and maintain a website’s performance, usability, and speed. It covers designing, hosting, coding, database management, and publishing. 

Web development is another name for website development, and people who manage websites are called web developers. And a company specializing in creating and developing websites and web applications is called a web development agency. 

Hiring a web development agency in Chicago can be beneficial for businesses. The agency has a professional team who can collaborate and deliver polished results. It saves you time and hassle from dealing with different professionals.

Why is Web Development Checklist Important?

Making a website or app open to the public is a complicated process. The effective completion of the project depends on several elements. That entails retaining customers, achieving corporate objectives, and reducing issues. Web development checklists can help you deliver a better product.

Checklists can be a useful organizational tool, much like in daily life. They maintain the focus of web development teams. They also ensure that crucial duties are noticed in the haste to finish a job.

As web development experts, we know the role of each aspect, from front-end and performance to SEO and marketing. Hence we share complete web development checklists which cover each aspect carefully.

Complete Web Development Checklist 

Web development is a serious profession because it requires collaborating with people from other disciplines. I’ve created a web development checklist with ten basics you should consider for your next project to make life easier during the development process.

1. Secure the domain and set up SSL.

Get a domain name as soon as you can. A domain name is very plays an essential role in web application success. Hence choose your domain wisely.

SSL certificates assure website security. Hence adding SSL to your website gives it a boost because Google has started to value SSL certificates as a criterion for assessing the rank of websites. Additionally, SSL can give your website a slight SEO advantage over rivals because most marketing websites still need to utilize it.

Register an SSL certificate and your domain name if you haven’t already.

2. Set up excellent hosting and storage.

Depending on the project, set up web hosting and storage choices for your files and scripts. It is common practice to code and deploy sites offline during development, such as on a local host or a displaying site hosted on a different domain.

Let’s set up the web hosting and storage options as soon as you can. This is particularly crucial because your web hosting package must be spacious enough to accommodate your scripts and the technologies you utilize.  

3. Map out design

The process of creating a website is not independent. Any project you work on will require some amount of design expertise. You should include design concerns in your web development checklist.

Make sure to consult with your designers as you plan the project. If you are coding a WordPress theme, consult your designers about the PSD files and design so that everyone on the team is on the same page. 

4. Plan out scripts and languages.

You must decide the scripts and programming languages you will use to code the specified project based on the project’s requirements. This also depends on the scripts or languages you are most familiar using. For example, if your JavaScript abilities are top-notch, you can count on JS to get the job. Similarly, if you frequently use WordPress or Drupal, PHP should be your language of choice.

Ensure you incorporate the scripts and languages you’ll work with during the coding process into your checklist planning.

5. Optimize for SEO.

It will likely be a success if your website is optimized for search engines.

Consider page performance, analytics, appropriate meta tags, and other SEO factors. In this case, the key is conducting research: Plan your site development roadmap based on your learning about search engine optimization. You may also take help from Chicago based digital marketing agency to assist and guide you.

6. Generate XML sitemaps.

Creating and maintaining an XML sitemap is the most important component of any SEO strategy.

Your website won’t be indexed without a sitemap simply because search engines won’t be able to scan it properly. To correctly use XML Sitemaps for the benefit of your project, be sure to prioritize them in your web development checklist.

7. Consider any external tools needed.

You may use various incredible tools and services to spruce up and enhance your web development workflow. For instance, MailChimp or ConvertKit are helpful services if you frequently need to send emails to your clients or users.

Create a list of your web development project’s duties and requirements, then develop a shortlist of tools and services to satisfy each. You may lessen your workload and save time and effort by integrating external tools and services into your web development workflow.

8. Create an error-handling strategy.

It serves no purpose to fear faults in your code because even the finest programmers occasionally have to deal with significant errors and problems.

To prevent your project from suffering, you should be prepared to address any faults or defects in your code. Even if you can code a fantastic tool or website today, you will still need to update and maintain it in the future because web development is an ongoing process.

9. Create a file-handling strategy.

Both the internet and your web development project are made out of files. Some files must be accessible to everyone, while others must be concealed or accessible to administrators only.

To avoid security risks:

  • Make sure you properly manage file permissions.
  • Make sure your file names are appropriate as well.
  • Give legible and appropriate names to images and other documents so that search engines can index them.
  • Must include alt tags in site images.

Last, protect your code files from prying eyes and evil hackers by restricting access to your core files using file permissions or website access rules.

10. Optimize security settings

Setting up security is essential for web development. Your website will be susceptible to hackers and other dangerous users if you don’t have a solid security strategy.

Millions of websites are penetrated daily due to poor security procedures, including faulty file access rules, outdated software, careless content management, and even badly written websites. Ensure you correctly handle all security aspects while creating your project’s web development checklist and roadmap to prevent project compromise due to a security issue.


In conclusion, a well-structured web development checklist is a cornerstone for crafting exceptional digital experiences. It not only ensures the seamless execution of a project but also contributes to its success. 

Developers can navigate the complex web development landscape using a comprehensive checklist. Additionally, mitigating errors, streamlining processes, and delivering results that surpass expectations.

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