email marketing Archives | MyNewsFit Trending News Updates! Fri, 13 May 2022 12:33:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthcare Email Marketing Is on the Rise Thu, 12 May 2022 11:00:32 +0000 Healthcare email marketing is on the rise, with businesses finding great success in reaching out to their patients and customers through email. Some of the most common reasons healthcare businesses use email marketing include staying in touch with patients who are new to their practice, retaining patients who may be considering switching insurers, and boosting […]

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Email Marketing

Healthcare email marketing is on the rise, with businesses finding great success in reaching out to their patients and customers through email. Some of the most common reasons healthcare businesses use email marketing include staying in touch with patients who are new to their practice, retaining patients who may be considering switching insurers, and boosting satisfaction rates among current patients. By using effective email marketing strategies, healthcare businesses can continue to reach their target audience and grow their business.

Don’t Miss Out: 4 Benefits of Healthcare Email Marketing

Perhaps, as a marketer, you’ve heard or read somewhere that email marketing is no longer effective. Many marketing teams have believed this to be a popular misconception.

Fortunately, I assure you that healthcare email marketing is still a viable option for your business.

Averaging 21.72 per cent open rates for email marketing for medical, dental, and healthcare services is the industry standard.

Thus, email marketing for healthcare has 4 primary advantages.

1. Communicate effectively

Email marketing in the healthcare industry is the most effective method of keeping in contact with patients. The following are the reasons why.

One of the major advantages of emailing patients is that practically everyone has access to the internet these days. Email is used by 92 per cent of internet adults, with 61 per cent of those who use it on a daily basis on average.

Unlike social media, email isn’t being used to communicate with family and friends. Users of email prefer to be reached by companies and organisations through email, according to 61 per cent of those who use it. This is encouraging news for healthcare email marketing campaigns.

Email is the preferred method of contact for your patients.

Utilising healthcare email marketing helps you to do the following:

  • Reduce the number of missed appointments by sending automatic reminder emails.
  • Keep your practice in the forefront of your patients’ minds.
  • Communicate consistently at all times.
  • Reach out to your patients using a communication channel that they use on a regular basis.

2. Communicate essential details

Patients are worried about their health, and it is your responsibility as a doctor or other healthcare professional to provide critical information to relieve their fears.

Important information may be included in healthcare email marketing campaigns, such as:

  • The test result
  • Confirmation of appointments and appointment reminders
  • Suggestions and treatments
  • When it comes to healthcare email marketing, every email you send is important.

In order to do this, keep an eye on and lower your email bounce rates to ensure that every critical communication is delivered properly.

Consider the following suggestions to prevent having your emails end up in spam or garbage folders:

  • Make your emails more personalised.
  • Use a valid reply-to address
  • Avoid spammy wording
  • Keep the content and subject line short. 
  • Don’t use too many images or ones that are too big.
  • Include an unsubscribe link in your email signature.
  • Avoid uncommon typefaces

3. Save time by sending out automatic emails.

Healthcare email marketing allows you to automate your most critical communications as well as repetitive email chores, allowing you to reclaim part of your time and increase your productivity.

When it comes to patient appointments, you don’t want to manually confirm each one. That would be a waste of time when there are solutions available to you, such as Calendly, that assist you in managing your patients’ appointment scheduling needs.

Afterwards, you may link Calendly to email software to build up email automation to do the following tasks :

Confirm the scheduling of appointments for your patients.

  • Send out automatic email reminders.
  • Provide critical information prior to the scheduled appointment.
  • Patients should be followed up.
  • When a potential patient hits your website, the whole procedure from that point forward may be completely automated.

Automation of appointment scheduling may be advantageous in a variety of ways, including:

  • You decrease the chances of forgetting to send emails.
  • You don’t lose track of patients since you keep track of their appointments.
  • Save both your and your employees’ time.
  • Make an effort to engage your potential patients and establish trust.

4. Encourage patients to participate.

An effective way to build trust with your audience is by providing them with the information they want and need.

By implementing a healthcare email marketing plan, you may establish and maintain a connection with your patients even if they do not need your medical aid at the time of the communication.

While commercial email marketing is focused on conversion and sales, healthcare email marketing is more concerned with educating and engaging the recipient.

As a doctor, you would want your connection with your patients to be genuine and trustworthy.

Consider including the following goals in your medical marketing for doctors:

  • Increasing public awareness
  • Providing timely and useful information
  • Being a reliable source of knowledge 
  • Resolving the problems of patients
  • Streamlining the process of getting in contact with a healthcare professional

These goals distinguish healthcare email marketing from other types of email marketing.

Final Thoughts

Email Marketing In Healthcare Industry

When it comes to healthcare marketing emails, the most important aspects to consider are as follows:

  • Creating a comfortable environment for your patients
  • Providing patients with the information they need.
  • Emails like appointment reminders can be sent automatically.

Once patients have left your hospital or healthcare institution, email marketing is an excellent tool for keeping them close and engaged.

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How to Become a Pro in Email Marketing Sun, 31 Oct 2021 13:35:11 +0000 Email marketing – what is it?  E-mail marketing is an Internet marketing tool that builds direct communication between an entrepreneur and a consumer. Its essence lies in the fact that the company via e-mail sends letters to potential or regular customers with advertising, news, notification information. Two misconceptions about email marketing:  Email marketing is spamming by […]

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Email marketing – what is it? 

E-mail marketing is an Internet marketing tool that builds direct communication between an entrepreneur and a consumer. Its essence lies in the fact that the company via e-mail sends letters to potential or regular customers with advertising, news, notification information.

Two misconceptions about email marketing: 

Email marketing is spamming by email. The essence of e-mail marketing is personalized communication between the seller and the consumer after the latter has given consent. And spam is the mass distribution of advertising messages to random users without permission. 

Email marketing and email marketing are the same thing. Newsletter is a constituent element of e-mail marketing. That is, marketing is a strategy, distribution is a tool for its implementation.

Email Marketing Tasks 

As a marketing tool, e-mail marketing poses a number of tasks that must be completed in order to successfully promote a business. The degree to which they are fulfilled depends on how correctly the chosen strategy for establishing communication with customers was implemented. 


Getting customers ready to make a purchase. In other words, the main task of email marketing is lead generation . With the help of direct communication with the client, the degree of readiness of a person to make a purchase is determined. This allows you to plan further actions aimed at bringing a person to the final stage of marketing – making a deal.

 Increased loyalty

 When the buyer is sure that in the event of a disputable, conflict situation, he will solve problems with the seller through an electronic appeal, the level of trust in the company increases. For this, it is important that the entrepreneur takes an active part in the dialogue and assists clients in solving their problems. 

Providing feedback.

 When sending automatic emails, the letters contain addresses for feedback. Thus, an entrepreneur can find out first-hand complaints, discontent, wishes of customers, which helps to improve the quality of service.

Email Marketing Benefits 

Email marketing is considered a basic advertising tool. That is, whatever the status and size of the company, this method of promotion is used in the first place. This is due to a number of advantages: Low cost. The ability to form a “live” customer base. The ability to push the client to take certain actions. Full automation of the process. Personalized approach to the client.

Types of e-mail newsletters 

From the definition, it is clear that communication with the client is established using letters sent by e-mail. Moreover, the purpose of the letter can be not only advertising. 

There are several types of e-mail newsletters: Transactional. Transactional emails are a kind of response to user actions performed on the merchant’s website. For example, a person chose a product, put it in the cart, but did not order it. To finally convince the client of the need for this particular purchase, transactional mailing is used. The letter specifies the terms of delivery, the advantages of a particular product, the amount of discounts when ordering, guarantees, etc. 

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Effective Digital Marketing Tactics and Strategies in 2021 Mon, 11 Oct 2021 10:42:11 +0000 Digital Marketing strategy is shaped both by business and brand. Digital branding suggests the overall direction of an organisation – for example, it might involve using certain colours or symbols to represent a company’s values like color-coding in kitchens. Marketing on the other hand focuses more closely towards customers: how much they should be paying […]

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Digital Marketing strategy is shaped both by business and brand. Digital branding suggests the overall direction of an organisation – for example, it might involve using certain colours or symbols to represent a company’s values like color-coding in kitchens. Marketing on the other hand focuses more closely towards customers: how much they should be paying for their product/service? Where do I find this particular item when browsing online stores? What kind out promotion will make me want purchase from my favorite store even faster?”

1. SEO –

SEO is the process of improving your website so that it ranks highly in search engine results for keywords and phrases related to your business. The more popular you make yourself, the higher up on pages people will find their way when they go looking online; this ensures increased traffic and exposure which can lead down an exciting new path with plenty opportunities at every turn!SEO is all about getting the most traffic to your website. It’s not just people who are searching for products and services but also those looking at content that will help them along their journey of finding what they need, when it matters most in an engaging way!

2. PPC Advertising –

The PPC system is an auction-based advertising that relies on the keyword you want your ad to show up for. You bid, and when someone searches with one of those keywords in their query a bidder’s price pops up – this means they’re willing to pay so much money per click (cost) or maybe even 1000 clicks at once!

PPC ads can be a great way to reach potential customers with the right message and call-to-action! When someone clicks on your ad, they’ll arrive at your landing page where you offer them options for converting. For example: purchasing products or signing up via email newsletter notifications.

PPC is one of the most useful and quick ways to get your business up on top. If organic rankings are several pages back, then PPC can help you land at least a few spots in search engine results for keywords related directly or indirectly to what customers might be searching about you online.

For many businesses just getting started with digital marketing or looking for  an edge , pay per click (PcC) provides them that necessary push they need .By increasing visibility through high-ranking placements within SERPs it helps propel websites towards success – which means more sales!

3. Content Marketing –

In content marketing strategy, your business focuses on reaching and connecting with consumers. This is done through the production of informational text that can include videos or blog posts as well as infographics to provide value for users while not being sales-oriented copy – it has a professional tone about it instead so you’re not coming off sounding too amateurish!

To increase your site traffic and generate conversions, you should leverage content marketing. The goal of this strategy is to provide valuable information to a target audience while also increasing their interest in what they’re reading by providing additional pieces that are relevant for them individually or as part of an ongoing conversation with others on social media channels like Facebook groups where people can discuss topics related specifically back towards blogs posts about these same subjects

Maintaining freshness through regular updates will ensure readers stay engaged throughout each article published online which ultimately increases engagement rates when compared against other forms suchs advertising because there isn’t any interruption between pages caused largely due too lengthy loading times often seen during scrolling down long webpages loaded via slow network speeds.

4. Email Marketing –

Email marketing is a powerful and inexpensive way to reach your customers. It can help retain existing clients, as well gain new ones with the right tone of voice! Email campaigns are effective for brand awareness building because they’re always top-of mind when someone checks their inboxes – plus you get more responses than if people see an ad or other type social media message while browsing through websites on their phones (which often happen).

Plus these messages won’t go away after 30 days like some types might so there’s no need worry about keeping up unless something major happens in between exchanges; instead focus back onto delivering quality content that will keep them coming back again soon enough. Email marketing is the go-to method for staying top of mind with potential customers, and providing current clients personalized content.

The best part? It’s affordable! The main objective behind an email campaign as digital media initiative should be to keep your audience thinking about you so they don’t forget what it was that got them interested in this first place: their interests or needs which can lead back into other channels more easily down the line like social media sites etcetera.

5. Social media –

The goal of social media marketing is to increase brand awareness and conversions, as well as build a company’s reputation. That’s why it focuses on creating informational content that users engage with—plus interacting through various platforms like Facebook or Twitter!A social media marketing campaign can have one or several platforms depending on what you want to do.

If it’s just brand awareness, then Facebook would be best for the casual user who wants quick updates from friends and family without too much engagement; however if your goal is conversions (selling products), Instagram may suit better since people often drive directly there when looking at photos in their feed rather than scrolling through sites like LinkedIn which has more business-oriented content.

6. Video Marketing –

Videos are a great way to connect with your potential customers in an informative and engaging manner. Vimeo, YouTube or Facebook Live videos can all have major benefits for businesses of any size! The average American consumer watches over 5 hours worth media on their mobile device each week so it makes perfect sense that businesses would want some exposure as well if they’re not already getting enough traffic from social networks like Twitter etc., which typically don’t offer high-quality material without heavy advertisements attached (unless you pay). Videos provide just this kind of thing: quality content at low cost because users fund them through monthly subscriptions/advertising blocks instead.

Digital marketing is an essential part of any business’s success. Whether you want to increase sales, revenue or reach new customers with your brand; digital media has a variety strategies that can be tailored specifically for each goal. Social Media Marketing (SMM), email outreach campaigns- whatever strategy leads are best suited depends on what works in achieving those objectives!

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Ankur Agarwal | Email marketing to sell your coin Sun, 23 Sep 2018 07:36:16 +0000 Ankur Agarwal, Email Marketing Specialist, ICO Advisor and an expert in Cryptocurrency analysis is here with us to discuss on how you can sell your coin for Email marketing. He is the author of the famous book “Email Profits decoded” which you can get from his website for free. Why email marketing? Selling your coins […]

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Ankur Agarwal, Email Marketing Specialist, ICO Advisor and an expert in Cryptocurrency analysis is here with us to discuss on how you can sell your coin for Email marketing. He is the author of the famous book “Email Profits decoded” which you can get from his website for free.

Why email marketing?

Selling your coins through email marketing is a huge opportunity where you actually have a conversation with your buyers. Customer experience is a big marketing buzzword right now. Past few years, there has been the use of social media channels on a massive scale. But today, email marketing has emerged as a completely new thing which enables the organic growth of the subscriber base. It can help people to become aware of the crypto coins and blockchain technology that was earlier hindering its mass adoption. Consequently, you can successfully market your crypto coins and attract more buyers.

Today, the stats for email marketing are all over the place and there has been ROI of about 3800% which is the highest of ROI of any marketing channel available. It has an average order value as well and 3 times higher than the social media. The lifetime value of that buyer is also longer as well when you are engaging them through email.

An important thing to note: Mail chimp is not a crypto friendly email service provider as it is banning all the cryptocurrency related promotions, sales, trade or marketing.

Marketing strategies to sell your coins:

When you are showing up in someone’s inbox, they are going to immediately look at your name and guess whether they are sales message, helpful message or scam. So its really important that this is a relationship building which increases your chance for selling the coins.

There are a few important strategies for you to write an email that can sell your coins in a non spammy way. Undoubtedly, these strategies will deliver value to the people and they will look forward to your emails. If you can get people to open your email, there is a much greater chance that they can eventually buy coins from you.

  •    If you are trying to sell the coins consistently, then building a huge email list is the number one way to do this. A lot of people make an email list but they don’t make sales. If you are building a list, you must share your content as well. By sharing your content, there is a much greater chance of other people finding you.  
  •    The most important thing is your subject line. This is the first thing they are going to see and it needs to get their attention. It requires something that they are actually interested in. So curiosity in the subject line works really well which is delivering value in that subject line that gets them to approach.
  •    Once you get in the email, you must convince them through a story that why you are sending them an email. As you are writing and crafting your email message, don’t bore them with a bulk if texts or gibberish information, but you want to simply tell a story that why are you here. Make sure your story makes sense to the subject line. You can provide them infographics or newsletter for better understanding. In fact, they must get a better understanding of who you are.
  •    Next, you are going to sell the click. You don’t want that link to be something to buy in the first place. Then where you think it should navigate your customers? The thing it should do is to go to a piece of content that you created. Now inside of the content, you can have your product. But you are not technically having them to go directly to your product. First, you are letting them go to the content which they could mention the product. You must always think about how are you going to deliver the value, and from there, how can you lead those values to either mention your product or have them think about the products that you may sell.  

Know before selling:

Buying a coin is quite complicated for many. You have to ensure them the safest and easiest approach to buy crypto-coins. Therefore you must be aware of the least risk and best returns of the coins. Here are a couple of very overlooked cryptocurrencies and they are going to deliver huge returns for their buyers. This isn’t a personal opinion rather an overview as to how to opt for the crypto-coins that ensure huge customer base and their trustworthiness.

Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that got the interest among many buyers. This is a cryptocurrency that did a massive price increase since last year. It is on the verge of becoming more mainstream cryptocurrencies as it has the potential to do so.  Groestlcoin has got a lot of attention recently. It has got a boost in the cryptomarket but this one is still in the market capital of 50 million dollars. If this coin gets more attraction, this could easily get buyers a several hundred percent returns.

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