Tue. Sep 26th, 2023

The use of the Agro Photovoltaic System has grown phenomenally, and studies reveal that it is one of the best ways to produce energy and ensure a good crop. If you have no idea, then agro photovoltaic is the simultaneous land use for farming and power generation. The design part of such a solar system would mean that the quality of the mounting racks and their installation should be such that the farming of crops is not affected. 

It also means that sunrays will be utilized for power generation and agriculture. 

Few experts believe that the yield per hectare of some crops is likely to go down if such an installation is carried out.  Therefore, it is obvious that buyers must approach a trusted manufacturer to cut down their costs. However, if you seek expert advice from professionals in the field, you are likely to make much higher margins and cut down your energy consumption levels. If you need more information on this, you may visit here at www.mbt-energy.com to place your order for a world-class solar system. 


Making the Best of Both Power and Agriculture

The dual use of such technology is nowadays applied in several countries, and there are relevant laws for the same in each region. Generally, such a solar array is lifted by a system of mounts and cables to a height of about 5 meters from the ground. Roofs of greenhouses are ideal for the solar mounting system, and only crops that can withstand such shades are cultivated. Crops requiring continuous sun rays may not be suitable for growing under the shadow of the solar array. 

Another problem with such a technology is the resulting trade-off between the two, and only the most efficient solar racks can give optimum results. The same has been commercially successful in both China and Japan, and both power generation and crop cultivation go hand-in-hand. 

The above official site of MIBET is recognized as the top solar racking supplier worldwide and provides 10 years warranty, including professional after-sales service. 


Wide Range of Solar Systems from MIBET

MIBET is a world leader in the manufacturing and supplies of solar racks and mounting systems. The solar array of a PV system can be mounted on rooftops and according to specifications furnished by the customers. The company experts are capable of ascertaining situations based on satellite positioning measurements. 

It has been at the forefront of solar technology and has carved a niche for itself as a highly trustworthy pv system supplier and all kinds of solar accessories. The installation of the solar panels can be fitted by any local crew having technical knowledge and the whole guidance on online computers. 

It is noteworthy that the company has enhanced its technology research, and hence newer methods of floating solar systems have also been designed. The company has successfully exported the latest version of such systems to other countries with repeated success. 

Clients who needs technical details can contact their office directly at the above site. 

By Wilson

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