Tue. Sep 26th, 2023
Share Other Blocked

Here comes the new feature of Instagram that let you share others blocked list. If you want to know on the social media platform that anyone has blocked you or not then this instagram share other blocked feature is the one for you. 

What Is Share Other Blocked on Instagram?

Share Other Blocked on Instagram is the latest feature everyone is talking about on the social media platform that offers users to see who has blocked you on Instagram. Though, some users or creators have uploaded stories as well as posts about this latest share other blocked

 feature. According to the creators, you can find share other blocked by going through the following steps as – 

Share > other > blocked. 

But there are no official updating from Instagram about this share other blocked feature yet. Moreover, people have also commented down that no such share other blocked feature exists. 

Thus, Share Other Blocked is an act that let user share the content from a blocked Instagram profile with the other users who are blocked. Though, it seems simple as that but due to the privacy settings of Instagram it is difficult to do one. 

So, if you tap down on insta as Share -> Other -> Blocked, you will perceive a list of Instagram users the ones who have blocked you. But most people don’t seem like to find this as good as it seems.

Why Anyone will Block You on Instagram

Anyone will Block You on Instagram due to any of the reasons as:

  • Due to messages spam
  • Due to tags of people in any of the irrelevant posts
  • Mentioning or writing down comments that are inappropriate

Some of the common Ways to See Who Blocked You on Instagram

As social media user you might be willing to know who has blocked you on Instagram. So, here we mention Some of the common Ways to See Who Blocked You On Instagram as:

  • Search for their account: You need to search down on Instagram their account if you are not able to find their account after searching for their name then you have been blocked by the user. If the profile you have searched do not appear then you or blocked or that profile has been deleted or deactivated. Further, there is also a possibility that user has changed their Instagram handle or username. 
  • Check down in your messages or check your DM with that user: You need to go to your messages or DM and see the messages of the user. In case you are not able to see the profile as before or it says, “user not found,” then there is a possibility that you have been blocked by the Instagram user. Further, “user not found,” is also shown when the person has deleted their account.
  • See your likes and comments: Try finding the user in your likes as well as in your comments. In case you find that comments as well as the likes are no more there or removed then you have been blocked by the user.
  • Mention them: Try to mention down the Instagram user in your posts and story in case you are not able to mention them down then there is a possibility that you have been blocked by the Instagram user.
  • Follow them: Go to the profile of the user and tap down on the follow button if you are not able to follow them then there is a possibility that you have been blocked by the Instagram user.
  • Check the user Posts: You can also check the post of the user and if not able to see any then there is a possibility that you have been blocked by the Instagram user.
  • Instagram Unique Profile Link: You can also search for the Instagram Unique Profile Link or say URL and if you see sorry this page does not exist or isn’t available then there is a possibility that you have been blocked by the Instagram user.

So, apart from using Instagram share other blocked you can follow these simple steps and know if someone has blocked you on Instagram. 


Thus, by now you as Instagram user know how to find out that someone has blocked you on Instagram by some simple methods and tricks. Share Other Blocked on Instagram is the latest feature

that offers users to see who has blocked you on Instagram.

But there are no official updating from Instagram about this share other blocked feature yet. Moreover, people have also commented down that no such share other blocked feature exists. 

Frequently Asked Questions related to Instagram share other blocked: 

  • Where is share others blocked on Instagram?

Share others blocked feature in actual doesn’t exist. It’s just a buzz by some users or creators have uploaded stories as well as posts about this latest share other blocked feature. But there are no official updating from Instagram about this share other blocked feature yet. Moreover, people have also commented down that no such share other blocked feature exists. 

  • How to find out if someone blocked you?

Some of the common Ways To See Who Blocked You On Instagram as:

  • Search for their account
  • Check down in your messages or check your DM with that user
  • See your likes and comments
  • Mention them
  • Follow them
  • Check the user Posts
  • Instagram Unique Profile Link
  • Will someone know if I blocked them?

Instagram do not send any notification to the user been blocked. So, you have been blocked by someone then you will not know this and similarly if you block someone then they will not know this as well.

By admin

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