Tue. Sep 26th, 2023

Want to become a licensed electrician in Essex but don’t know where or how to start? Aspiring electricians can choose from a variety of training routes to become certified and gain the necessary competence and skills. Here are some of the steps you need to take to become a qualified electrician in Essex.

Get a Level 3 Diploma

Before you can start work as a UK electrician, you have to acquire an industry-recognised “level 3” diploma in a relevant area, which you can earn through several official bodies. Accepted qualifications include the following:

  • Level 3 Diploma in Electro-technical Services (Electrical Maintenance)
  • Level 3 Diploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures)
  • Level 3 Diploma in Installing Electro-technical Systems & Equipment (Buildings, Structures and the Environment)

Join the apprenticeship scheme or take a college course

To gain any of the industry-recognised level 3 diplomas, you need to undergo an apprenticeship. This is an important step for gaining real-world and practical experiences. The good thing about on-the-job training for aspiring electricians is that you can earn as you learn.

Alternatively, you can choose to get qualified by taking a college course. You can either choose to study full-time or part-time, depending on your preferences. Some training bodies also offer intensive courses designed for those who want to learn the necessary skills quickly.

Get accredited by trusted regulatory boards

After gaining the required level of competence, you have to get accredited by regulatory boards and organisations. This will be your proof that you have the qualifications and that you are suitable for any electrical work. Some of the regulatory boards you can join in are:

  • JIB


Any type of electrical work must only be done by a qualified electrician in London. That’s why this career remains lucrative. But with so many electricians offering their services today, consumers have become more selective. They want to make sure that they are hiring professionals who truly have the essential credentials and experience. Thus, getting educated and trained by a reliable institution or body is a must for all aspiring electricians.

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