Tue. Sep 26th, 2023

Workers’ compensation in Utah is a no-fault system whereby employees receive coverage for injuries endured on the job. Benefits include medical bill coverage and compensation for lost wages and permanent injuries resulting from the incident. To get insurance, employers can purchase insurance from carriers under the Utah Insurance Department, the Workers’ Compensation Fund, or obtain permission to be self-insured through the Industrial Accident Division.

Varying workers’ compensation forms are legally required for U.S. states. Utah’s documents include Form 122, Workers’ Compensation Employer’s First Report Or Occupational Disease, Wage Statement, First Fill Form, and Accident Investigation Report. Most forms must be filed and returned within seven days of the injury. Employers and employees should have copies of all documents for their records.

In exchange for providing benefits, employers are protected from most employee workplace injury lawsuits. Employers are legally required to supply workers’ compensation coverage. Read on to learn about the legalities of Utah workers comp forms and associated legalities of the state.

What Happens If Employers Don’t Provide Coverage?

Suppose an employer does not provide coverage to employees. In that case, penalties of a minimum of $1000 and injunctions that prevent business operations from continuing, as well as the loss of protection against employee lawsuits for workplace injuries may result.

How Do Workers Know If They Are Covered?

After obtaining coverage, employees must notify via an official notice that they comply with the state’s workers’ compensation law. Notices must be visible to employees and displayed in spaces that employees frequent, such as throughout the workplace, in the break room, or within the common areas. Employers and employees should be made aware of where to find Utah workers comp forms to file reports promptly.

What Is The Order Of Operations For Filing Claims And Completing Utah Workers Comp Forms?

Filing for Utah workers comp forms must occur after the initial steps are taken, including the employer’s official report of the injury within seven days of the date of the injury to the insurance carrier of the policy. From that point, the carrier electronically submits the report to the Labor Commission. A claim for benefits is opened once a report from the employer or the doctor treating the employee acknowledges the injury.

Here is a brief overview of the required Utah workers comp forms:

  • Form 122 indicates the initial injury. For serious injuries that require urgent medical treatment, report and submit this form within eight hours following the incident.
  • The Wage Statement allows insurance specialists to calculate the employee’s owed compensation.
  • The First Fill Form indicates the pharmacy benefits the employee receives and authorizes the free medication and prescription to the employee.
  • The employee’s supervisor must complete the Accident Investigation Report following the accident.

Address Work Injuries By Following State Reporting Laws

There are a handful of Utah workers comp forms to fill out in order to go about the state’s workers’ compensation insurance law successfully. Review the above information carefully for guidance on resolving work injury occurrences according to Utah law.

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