Tue. Sep 26th, 2023

Home Cleaning Mistakes you’re Probably Making Don’t you simply wish that cleaning your home wasn’t as exhausting a task as it usually is? Obviously, cleaning hacks are constantly welcome but some things you have to approach the old fashioned way. But what is the old fashioned way? Humans have been cleaning for so long that we may have forgotten the right way of doing things somewhere along the way. Are there any cleaning mistakes that you’re unknowingly making? To ensure you get the most ideal clean, avoid making those common cleaning mistakes. Read on and find out:   Using a Feather Duster: No matter how much the advertisements for these dusters say the feathers “trap and lock dust,” they don’t. Feather dusters are famous for spreading dust around a surface or pushing it off to fall to the ground, rather than removing it. Utilize a microfiber cleaning cloth or a disposable paper towel with suitable cleaning solution, depending on the surface being dusted. [caption id="attachment_4406" align="alignnone" width="300"]Using a Feather Duster Using a FUsing a Feather Dustereather Duster[/caption]   Spraying Cleaner Directly on a Surface: This technique is OK once in a while but should be reserved for tremendously dirty surfaces that need extra solution. This shouldn’t be an everyday practice, because it will probably leave residue behind. Instead, spray the formula onto a microfiber cloth. Wipe-downs done this way require less solution, which cuts down on buildup. (Your bottles of cleaner will last longer, as well.) [caption id="attachment_4407" align="alignnone" width="300"]Spraying Cleaner Directly on a Surface Spraying Cleaner Directly on a Surface[/caption]   Using Warm Water on Carpet Stains: Boiling water is a natural germ killer so using warm water makes sense, right? Wrong. It’s almost impossible to clean with water hot enough to kill germs in stains. Instead, you’ll end up utilizing a lukewarm cloth. The warm water reacts chemically with most stains, which only combines it with the carpet fibers. This creates a stain and odor that’s impossible to remove completely. [caption id="attachment_4408" align="alignnone" width="300"]Using Warm Water on Carpet Stains: Using Warm Water on Carpet Stains:[/caption]   Use of Wrong Cleaning Products: Utilizing a cleaning chemical that isn’t strong enough to do the job. Have you ever washed clothes only to find that stains remain? You utilized the wrong laundry products. Read labels sensibly and follow the directions for the best results. Checking labels can not only save time, they can save money. Using the wrong cleaning product can permanently damage some surfaces. That’s why you can’t safely use a scrubbing powder on furniture or stone countertops. Use of Wrong Cleaning Products Using Old Newspapers for Windows and Glassware: You’ve heard plenty about how newspaper just appears to clean better when it comes to rubbing on your windows and glassware. And, perhaps there’s some reality to that. What they don’t let you know however is that wet newspaper tends to leave behind tough ink stains on the frames as well as on your hands. You’ll need to get used to seeing those ugly splotches on your beautiful window and picture frames unless you get them painted or replaced. It’s better to utilize microfiber cloth or squeegees to do an excellent, stain-free cleaning job. Using Old Newspapers for Windows and Glassware Using the Same Sponges and Clothes: Think of a sponge or cloth as a soldier which fights with bacteria. It’s frequently covered in food matter, and is always moist, which is the ideal living condition for nasty germs. The mistake we commonly make is using the same sponge for too long and across various surfaces. You’re essentially spreading germs throughout your kitchen. Try not to use sponges & clothes for long time. They should be change time by time. Using the Same Sponges and Clothes Neglecting Faucets, Handles and Door Knobs: Faucets, handles and door knobs are never thought of as the dirtiest places in your home, however they’re very likely to be the germiest because of how frequently we touch them. Think about how frequently you’ve touched the faucet in the middle of cooking, cleaning or even just washing your hands. Neglecting Faucets, Handles and Door Knobs Using Bleach to Clean Mold: Many believe that bleach cleans and kills everything. A little known fact is that bleach doesn’t kill mold, it only lightens the color so you can’t see it. The cleaning might strip the mold away but using bleach means it’s certain to grow back. Utilize a vinegar solution or rubbing alcohol as a more effective solution for permanently removing mold. [caption id="attachment_4414" align="alignnone" width="300"]Using Bleach to Clean Mold Using Bleach to Clean Mold[/caption] Putting a Rinsed Toilet Brush Right Back in the Holder: Moisture breeds bacteria, so it’s significant to let the brush dry completely before reserving it. Sandwich the handle between the toilet seat and the base, with the business end suspended over the bowl, to drip-dry. Leave it for at least 10 minutes or until fully dry, then return it to the holder. Putting a Rinsed Toilet Brush Right Back in the Holder Cleaning from the Ground Up: When sweeping, wiping or vacuuming the floor before cleaning the furniture, dust and crumbs fall from tables, counters and shelves, requiring you to re-clean the floor. Clean a room from the top down. Start with windows, working down to tables and counters, chairs and couches, side and coffee tables, ending with the floor.]]>

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