Tue. Sep 26th, 2023
Top 5 Tips for Commercial Refrigerator Maintenance in the Summer

As the temperature gets hotter, there are a number of things you can do to ensure your commercial refrigerator isn’t overwhelmed by the Australian summer. Refrigerators and cold rooms consume a lot of energy and during summer, your refrigeration systems need to work harder to stay cool. Whether you use a commercial refrigerator for your business already or are considering purchasing a commercial fridge on sale this summer, regular maintenance in warmer months is not only crucial but can save energy by up to 20%. To ensure you make it through the summer, check out these top 5 tips for commercial refrigerator maintenance.

1. Preventative Maintenance

The best way to prepare your commercial refrigerator for the hot summer months is through proper preventative maintenance. Be sure to check your system’s temperature readings on the inside of your refrigeration unit and inspect the discharge, liquid and suction lines within the condensing unit. Most condenser coils will collect dust over time and in some cases, this may even cause ice build-up. For any build-up of dust, be sure to clean the coil fins with a vacuum or soft wire brush. Removing dust from the coils will not only ensure they last longer but also maximises the airflow to allow your commercial refrigerator to run at its best.

If you find ice on your condenser coil, this can be due to excess moisture around the condenser. In this case, you may have to switch off your refrigerator and let the ice melt before cleaning the condenser. Be sure to also check refrigerant levels and pressure controls, as well as the thermostats to make sure they’re in perfect working order. Besides checking the mechanics are working, it’s vital to clean and lubricate the motors. Cleaning coils and drain pans to ensure your commercial refrigerator is clean and well maintained. Regular cleans and inspections can help prevent your commercial refrigerator from inefficient operation and breakdowns.

2. Keep Your Refrigerator Door Closed

The biggest reason for commercial refrigerators to lose temperature is because refrigerator doors are left open. This can waste considerable amounts of energy due to cool air escaping every time your refrigerator door is opened. This makes your commercial refrigerator work even harder to extract the heat from any warm air that enters. Be sure to keep your refrigerator door closed and if there is more than one door, to only open the one you need access to.

3. Use The Right Cleaning Chemicals

The type of chemical you use to clean your refrigerator may seem insignificant, however. Harsh chemicals or the wrong chemical can damage the seals and gaskets of your commercial refrigerator. Any residue from these chemicals can go on to collect dust and help bacteria grow and slowly break down the rubber. Be sure to check the chemicals you’re using are not having a negative impact on your commercial refrigerator’s longevity and reliability. It’s important to avoid using bleaches or alcohol-based cleaners. On door seals and opt for a range of cleaning chemicals that are safe to use on commercial refrigerators.

4. Don’t Turn Your Refrigerator Off Overnight

Turning your commercial refrigerator off overnight will not save you any electricity. Turning off your fridge overnight only means that as soon as you turn your refrigerator back on. It will need to run for a longer time to return its temperature back down to normal. Your commercial refrigerator does not require as much power to keep your compressor running. Once it has reached the appropriate temperature – so it’s certainly worth it just keeping your refrigerator on throughout the night.

5. Replace Door Seals

Frequent use of your refrigerator door can cause your door seals significant damage. This can let cold air out if your door seal isn’t sealing properly and cause your refrigerator to work much harder than normal. Your commercial refrigerator will in turn, consume more power to keep items at the right temperature. If your refrigerator isn’t shutting properly due to a damaged gasket, your running costs can increase drastically.

Following these tips together with a regular cleaning schedule can help. Make sure you avoid any costly breakdowns over the busy period. There can be nothing worse than having your commercial refrigerator break down in the summer due to neglecting simple maintenance steps.

Following these tips together with a regular cleaning schedule can help make sure you avoid any costly breakdowns over the busy period, resulting in commercial fridge repair. There can be nothing worse than having your commercial refrigerator break down. In the summer due to neglecting simple maintenance steps.

By Pankaj sharma

Pankaj Sharma is a professional blogger with 5 years of experience. He covers topic like business, education, travel and entertainment stuff with fun. He's continued blogging and keep on inspiring other bloggers for the living.

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