Tue. Sep 26th, 2023
Top 7 Tips to Protect Your Warehouse from Break-Ins

A lot of stock, time, effort and dollars are tied up in warehouses and storage centres, so it pays to ensure they are properly protected at all times. Gone are the days when having a security firm carry out a drive past or one person on-site after work hours, was the key method of securing the property. Now with the onset of technology and the development of the wireless alarm system, means your warehouse can be protected and monitored remotely at the touch of a button.To help you decide on the best method of protecting your warehouse, let’s look at the following 7 security tips.

  1. Review the perimeter for visibility and access points

Start by taking a walk around the outer areas of the warehouse.If you are on an industrial estate with close neighbours, this will not take long. However, the bigger the external space, the more vulnerable the property can become. If there are bushes or trees that provide a perfect hiding place, or a number of sheds or other buildings where individuals can hide out, make a note of where these weak spots are on the land. Can the warehouse be viewed from the road or it is hidden away from view? Does it have a gate and secure fencing with video verification of visitors? It is important to utilise the perimeter protection so consider areas to site IP cameras as part of your wireless alarm system.

  1. Put a business continuity plan in place

Make sure that you have a written plan in place that is communicated to the management team and staff which states what needs to happen in terms of security measures on the premises. This must include opening up and locking up procedures, what to do in case of an emergency, who to contact if a break-in is detected along with personal protective measures to be taken. Remember that even the best sheds can collapse if proper maintenance is not provided and in the same way, taking measures for the security and maintenance of the warehouse is very important. Not only will this ensure the building is properly secured at all times, but the staff are also kept safe and if the main key holders are on leave, there is someone else who can access the premises.

  1. Use motion detectors both internal and externally

A professional wireless alarm system will incorporate the use of motion detectors which alerts the system when triggered by movement. This is a key component of any theft prevention plan because it alerts you to the fact that someone is in the vicinity who should not be there. These should be fitted both outside the building and also on vulnerable entry points such as window or door access.

  1. Link the system to CCTV cameras

There are a number of cameras available on the market which record images when motion detectors are triggered or are in use constantly both during the times the building is used and out of hours. A number of firms utilise cameras during the day (which also monitors in store theft) and staff and visitors must be informed that recordings and CCTV are in use. They do act as a deterrent against unwanted visitors.

  1. Invest in a remote notification system

Being told there is an attempted break-in when it is occurring means getting the relevant security or police presence on site as quickly as possible. Today’s technology means that when points of entry are accessed or cameras are triggered, the owner or security professional can be alerted via a smartphone. Wireless technology also means that it is very difficult for would-be thieves to hijack the system as well. Some systems are now powered by solar power which renders it almost impossible to try to turn off the power generating the alarms.

  1. Invest in security lighting

As well as alarms sounded by motion detectors, security lights can also be activated in the same way. If you have a site that includes a number of buildings or walkways not easily visible from the access road, make sure that these are well-lit or have security lights that come on if a motion sensor is tripped. Again, these can be linked to a smart device that alerts the relevant individual and an alarm sounded to warn off the intruder.

  1. Invest in good quality locks and doors

Make it as difficult as possible for someone to enter into the property and remove or damage valuable stock. If they have made it through the external perimeter, then stopping them at the entry point is the next stage. Review the building for vulnerable access points. Invest in the best possible locks and access doors in terms of the quality and standard of the build and the fitting. Make sure you check and maintain these areas as over time they can begin to warp and are harder to keep secure.

Review your security system in light of these top tips and keep your stock and your premises safe and secure.

By Pankaj sharma

Pankaj Sharma is a professional blogger with 5 years of experience. He covers topic like business, education, travel and entertainment stuff with fun. He's continued blogging and keep on inspiring other bloggers for the living.

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