Tue. Sep 26th, 2023

Belize is not only a beautiful island but also a major financial center in Central America that we highly recommend as a reliable jurisdiction for opening a personal account, starting your company, and asset protection. An offshore account is no longer a whim or a means for tax evasion nowadays: it is an absolutely legitimate instrument that helps you to have access to assets all the time – even when your home bank freezes your transactions due to some reason.

We will be happy to see you on our portal called International Wealth where you can find more information on how to get a bank account in Belize and other jurisdictions. Our specialists keep their finger on the pulse and write up-to-date articles for those who want to preserve and increase their assets in the best way. You will always find new exciting opportunities on our portal, as well as time-proven strategies that you can take advantage of.

You can book an individual session with our expert to get advice or help. We provide free services: for example, if you struggle with the choice of a country to open a bank account or a company or you cannot decide which bank is better, we will help you make a well-informed decision. And if you want a guaranteed account without much hassle, you can buy our turnkey package and get your account in the bank you want in no time!

Belize Banking: A Choice for the Wise

Belize is an outstanding financial destination in many respects:

  • Asset protection. Your money will be safe even if a creditor brings a foreign court decision to the bank that says to seize your funds! The matter is that the decisions of foreign courts are not recognized in Belize, and your opponent will have to obtain a local one by starting the case all over again.
  • Economic and political stability. Belize does not show any signs of turbulence and the years to come promise to be beneficial. The country was strong when it faced several major crises, so you can take advantage of its resilience to place your money in safe hands.
  • High liquidity ratio. The banks of Belize are required by law to have a 24% liquidity ratio (the USA orders only 5% to its banks). It means that the local banks are highly unlikely to fail and your deposits will be as safe as possible.
  • Reasonable minimum deposit requirements. There is a popular misconception that offshore accounts are designed for rich people only. However, the banks of Belize will give you an opportunity to set up an account even if you have one thousand dollars – which is great for middle-class people whose strategy is to start with a small amount and accumulate a considerable amount little by little.
  • Competitive interest rates. This is an important reason for people that want to establish an account to accumulate retirement savings and get interest on them. The rates in Belize will be higher in most cases than those you can have back home, and if you are interested in mortgage rates, for instance, you will appreciate them just as much!

Looks good? You can contact us right now to ask any questions!

Popular Services for Private Customers

Let’s look at the products that enjoy the highest demand from international customers.

VISA Prepaid Debit Card

Get easy access to the assets on your account by using a VISA prepaid card. You will be able to make payments all over the world, top up the card, and withdraw money from the account.

Some features to benefit from:

  • The amount that can be credited to the card equals USD 10,000
  • You can pay with this card anywhere if the VISA payment system is accepted (except for Russia)
  • Use any ATM around the world to withdraw cash
  • Receive account statements to your email
  • The annual fee is only USD 50

You can follow the above link to look at the fees in detail.

Savings Account

Look attentively at the conditions to make sure the account will bring you benefits:

  • The only available currency is US dollars
  • The minimum amount you will need to keep in the account is USD 1,000
  • The term offered for a savings account ranges between 1 and 5 years
  • The applicable rate will depend on the funds held: 0.10% for deposits under USD 25,000, 0.25% if the sum ranges between USD 25,000 and USD 99,000, and 0.50% for deposits exceeding USD 100,000
  • You will have to pay an entry fee of USD 100 and a FATCA fee of USD 250
  • The monthly maintenance fee is USD 14.5

Demand Deposit Account

This is an account from which you can withdraw funds as many times as you desire. Here are the basic terms:

  • USD 1,000 is the lowest amount needed to set up an account
  • The interest depends on the deposited sum and is 0% for the amount up to USD 9,999 and 0.10% for the amounts over USD 10,000
  • The interest will be paid to your account on a monthly basis
  • You will have 24/7 access to the account-related data
  • The fees are the same as for the savings account (USD 100 (entry fee), USD 250 (FATCA fee), and USD 14.5 on a monthly basis for maintenance)
  • No choice of currencies: USD only

Fixed-Term Deposit Account

This is a good option to get a fixed income on your money: you have a certain interest rate, you invest your money for a definite period of time, and get a predictable amount in the end.

The rate varies from 1.75% if you deposit the amount for 1 year to 3.00% for a five-year term (see the table by following the above link).

If you want to get your money back before the set date, you will have to pay a 1% commission.

The minimum deposit required to open this kind of account is USD 25,000.


You can follow the above link to see other services provided by the Belize bank that we recommend.

An offshore account is a new level of freedom and safety, and you can make your first step today by contacting our experts!

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